Do Not Weep For Me | Teen Ink

Do Not Weep For Me

November 2, 2010
By Kaliochka SILVER, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Kaliochka SILVER, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"In three words I can sum up all that I've learned about live: it goes on" ~Robert Frost

Do not weep for me
I am no longer there
Do not weep for the way
I used to stroke your hair

Do not weep for me
I am not longer there
Do not weep for the way
I’d say I’ll always care

Do not weep for me
I am no longer there
Do not weep for the way
I used to stop and stare

Do not weep for me
I am no longer there
Do not weep for the way
Your sorrows I would bear

Do not weep for me
I will always be there
Just look up to heaven
And you will see me there

The author's comments:
I lost a dear love to suicide, and this is what I think he'd want me to hear him saying.

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