impossibilities | Teen Ink


August 25, 2010
By cindysies07 SILVER, Lanecaster, Ohio
cindysies07 SILVER, Lanecaster, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
your rubbing off on me like a coin rubs off a lottery ticket....

I dream about the impossible when the impossible
Is just a dream…
The dream I dream is just a loose grip on my
Reality when it starts slipping away…
I fall but don’t we all…
I’m not perfect
I have bad days and my good…
I hurt I cry I sometimes want to die…
I dream about the impossible when the impossible
Is just a dream…
My life seems like a two-way mirror
I can see these people but they fail to see
That this girl behind the glass is me…
I put my best foot forward wanting the best in life…
This life plays in chapters there is my beginning, my middle
And end…
What more can depend?...
The words of my voice shatters my teeth began to chatter
My world begins to shake
Like a big earthquake…
The walls are falling down the light is shining through
The glass busts and I walk through the pieces leaving my fears and
My past behind my life shifts under my body
These people can see now that it’s me not a stranger like I once was…
The glass no longer holds me back…
My dreams are all coming true thanks for me being lead to you…
I dreamt the impossible when the impossible was possible
And those dreams were made true…

By: Cindy sies

The author's comments:
i was inspired by my boyfriend and how my life seems. it seems that i hide behind mirrors and people cannot see me i want to move forward and be found in life now i want to move from the shadows and prove that i can get over the fear of life i have.

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