Summer's Thesis | Teen Ink

Summer's Thesis

August 18, 2010
By stuck_in_the_past GOLD, Lakeside, Oregon
stuck_in_the_past GOLD, Lakeside, Oregon
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead" ~Benjamin Franklin

Some people have forgotten it's original meaning
Some believe summer is just three months of no school
But I know the true thesis of summer
Summer is the relaxation of the brain
Summer is the time for no true learning
This time is for the brain to mush into a jello form
Because when we go back to school
Teachers are ready with their needles
To pump the information we need
For the teachers to mold our brains into mature beings
So why do people waste their summer molding their own brain?
The teachers are going to do that anyways!
Summer is for us to do the shit that we would never do during school
During our reform
Our metamorphoses
Into mature beings
Summer's suppose to be fun
Not work

The author's comments:
I wrote this during one summer when my sister wanted to watch the history channel instead of cartoons. She always is the one to keep learning, even on her own time! Hahaha, I love my sister.

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