meets no end | Teen Ink

meets no end

July 29, 2010
By Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1.Life isn&rsquo;t about waiting for the storm to pass it&rsquo;s about learning to dance in the rain<br /> 2. Scars remind us where we&rsquo;ve been they don&rsquo;t have to dictate where we&rsquo;re going<br /> 3. The one you aren&rsquo;t supposed to love is probably the hardest to let go of

I will love you forever until forever meets no end
I will meet you at the end of time unitl time meets know end
I will follow you 'till the earth meets no end
I will trust you until my trust meets no end
I will Love you until time meets it's end...

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