Garden of Life | Teen Ink

Garden of Life

June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a quiet hillside, my story begins
A little town in the distance lives
The homely shepherd tends the sheep
Nearby sits a man, a fisher of the sea

As the sun rises, a new day begins
I plow my fields, hours to spend
The daylight reaches across mountainsides
The deep blue sea stretching far and wide

I close my eyes and take a breath in
I hold out my arms to feel the wind
The scent of sea salt fills the air
Another moment, I wish I could share

Along the channel a merchant ship brings
A boat filled with treasure, full of wonderful things
I’m just a young man with much to learn
But life is beauty, its fruits I will earn

As the noon sun climbs up in the sky,
The field I have plowed comes into sight
The soft dark ground placed neatly in rows,
Soon my crop will bloom and grow

Life will go on, time will fly by
And soon my labors will reach sky high
I will grow old, living day by day
An increase of knowledge is coming my way

Now I look all around at the garden I’ve planted
I dream of the future it will be granted
For now I will work and take it all in
The vision I have is about to begin

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