Meeting Between Time + Second | Teen Ink

Meeting Between Time + Second

June 25, 2010
By ComebackCadillac SILVER, Fredericksburg, Virginia
ComebackCadillac SILVER, Fredericksburg, Virginia
5 articles 2 photos 5 comments

Honeybee, I hope you crush dandelions between your teeth
And roar when they're comfortable inside your belly.
I hope you pretend you can fly and run as fast as you can,
Arms shot out to the side, your own make-shift airplane.
I hope you suck clouds through a blue crazy straw
And eat the earth like the finest chocolate cake.
One day, I hope you'll love yourself the way I love you.
One day, I hope you'll put Band-Aids over all your hauntings,
Purge yourself of all that grinds you up into despair,
And fall backwards.
I can't gurantee I'll catch you,
But I'll be at the bottom to meet you there.

The author's comments:
For KC, with love.

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