Sneakers | Teen Ink


June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, the places I’ve been,
I have traveled far
I’ve been torn and worn,
You can see my scars

Upon hillsides, through groves
I have travelled
I have scampered and hiked
Upon rock and gravel

Golden fields I have seen,
Through grass I have trod
My rubber soles
Stepped on dry sod

Through crowded halls,
I have quickly scurried
Passing shoe after shoe,
In a great hurry

Inside on a glossy, wooden floor,
I have grooved and pranced
My tongue did fly,
As I awkwardly danced

Although I have scuffs,
And rips, and tears
My strength is not gone
I’ll go everywhere

Until my laces fray,
And my rubber wears through
I’ll continue to go,
As sneakers do

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