Silent Screams | Teen Ink

Silent Screams

June 15, 2010
By rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar. I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire. I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control." Lyrics from an All Time Low song. :D

He hides it everyday
He hides it in his heart
He tells no one what he's feeling
But we can tell he's falling apart

We wonder who he really is
What can make him act this way
To us, he is a stranger
A little different everyday

The cause of his depression
No one knows
He doesn't seem like a real person
With the very little emotion he shows

But every so often
The sun does shine
A new attitude emerges
He feels just fine

For a while
We have our old friend back
It's like he never changed
Like his world was never black

But soon the clouds come
And our sunlight disappears
His darker side starts to show
Which brings forth new tears

He thinks no one will love him
He hardly loves himself
Can anyone else hear
His silent screams for help

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