When I Was Four Feet Tall | Teen Ink

When I Was Four Feet Tall

June 19, 2010
By vampgirl8 SILVER, Lewisburg, Ohio
vampgirl8 SILVER, Lewisburg, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Tell ya later.

I remember when I was little
And to me you stood so high.
Your smile was the sun,
And your head brushed the sky.

Back then my world seemed so small,
As it should've, I suppose.
Because, really, you held my world
In those big hands of yours.

So can I be blamed for loving you,
When you cared for it so well?
And I know if the time ever came
You would carry me out of Hell.

Yes, as a child I didn't think
Life could be larger than you.
'Daddy' always meant 'Home' to me-
This much I knew was true.

Well Daddy I'm taller than you now,
But that doesn't seem to matter at all.
Cause in your arms I'm six again-
And only four feet tall.

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