Who I Am | Teen Ink

Who I Am

June 9, 2010
By naminesfriend GOLD, Jessup, Maryland
naminesfriend GOLD, Jessup, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
An eye for an eyeball, a tooth for a toothball.

Amber, Stacy, Morgan, Caroline, Brianna, Kyra, Chelsea, Jenna, Malia, Sarah, Taylor, Monica, Jenni, Ayron, Alexis, Karen,
I've always been chasing my girls,
I've always been a part of the cloudy blue sky where I may watch over the daughters who taught me so well
A part of my soul in the ice cream
We've always laughed together.

Throwing caution to the wind,
I've ran in the field,
I've sat on the Dutch Optimo that leads to the creek
A splash of water softening the skin
We've always played together.

Admitting I am me alone,
I've learned to accept other parts,
I've learned I am a part of the road going towards tomorrow
A terrible cry softened by my warm hug
We used to figure out such things together.

Realizing yesterday and today are both parts of me,
I've gone to search for the way to my goal,
I've also gone to search for what was once my life long ago
A piece of me gone out to see the world
We will be together simply because they are a part of me too.

The author's comments:
This is a bit personal. I'm proud of this poem.

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