Deferred | Teen Ink


May 25, 2010
By AshliCallison PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
AshliCallison PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
29 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
love knows not its own depth till the hour of seperation by kahlil gibran

Am i an addiction for abuse?
Or a ghost without a use?
I'm the girl you walk right through
Always here seen by few

Molded by your every move
Always hoping you'll approve
Landing forever in second place
Without an end, was this a race?

Haning on your every word
My every move you've deferred
Still i promise i will wait
Placeing dreams on bribing fate

I toss and turn by restless scenes
Are they nightmares? maybe dreams?
Memories dance on faltered will
Dreams you're forbidden to fullfill

Strung along touch-by-touch
Go so far, on not so much
What is minor, seems so great
But my feelings will it sedate?

A simple question: What is love?
A simple question I am tired of
And now i will just drift to sleep
But hope for you, I'll always keep

The author's comments:
About a boy i fell in love with that has a girlfriend but kissed me anyways then felt guilty and has now grown distant

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