life... a good accident | Teen Ink

life... a good accident

April 23, 2010
By mauricio negrin BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
mauricio negrin BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My dreams, happy, sad, scary, funny
things in life...
This is all we think about?
Is there anything else I’m missing out?
Joy my favorite part
Joy, joy, joy I wish life was about this
all the time...
Getting the girl that you like
Getting everything that you want
I guess not cuz someone dies everyday
It don’t matter if your good or bad
someday, when you least expected
It will get you...
Like that friday night, it was a normal, fun, bright day
Then at 6:48 p.m when I got home that night....
It was like if zeus hit me with a thunderbolt!
No, no it was my grandmother... she said” your uncle just died from a heart attack.”
I hung up the phone... it was so surreal
I couldn’t believe my eyes... My best friend and now my uncle
are both dead.
I guess life is like a roller coaster ride... sometimes is up sometimes is down... or like roses... who turn into bright beautiful colors when the weather is right
But when winter comes... They turn brown.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote about is my life the good things and bad things, how life can change in a blink of an eye. This is why I wrote this poem...
Especial thanks to my english teachers Mrs.Dalton and Mrs.Friez.

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