Two Statues... (?/?/around 2006) | Teen Ink

Two Statues... (?/?/around 2006)

February 16, 2010
By Shrimps1995 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Shrimps1995 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
9 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Two statues... standing within the chaos.
Two statues...standing among the fury of the living...
The weeping of the dying...
And the eerie silence of the dead.

Even through all the bloodshed, tears, and screams...
Two statues stand tall.

As night falls over the meadow,
The tragedy passes, but so do lives.

People who made it through the disaster,
Wonder through the field of bloody bodies,
Looking for loved ones.

Screams and cries echo through the night,
As people come upon their cherished ones... dead.

Dead, never to open their eyes again, dead.

The feeling of seeing you loved ones lifeless, dipping in blood,
No one could describe that.

Yet, through all the pain and suffering...
Two statues stand tall.

Finally, as the sun rises, it illuminates the two statues first.

People finally seem to realize that they were there.

As they look at the statues of a couple embracing, they see an engraving at the couples' feet,
And realize what they have to do.
So they pick up their loved ones and headed back home to plan funerals.

Yet, even as they walk by...
Two statues stand tall,
With these wise words at their feet:
'Love lives on forever, tragedy lives only for a moment.'

The author's comments:
Yes, it reads more like a story then a poem, but give me a break! I was only in 6th grade when I wrote this.

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