Hearing Eyes | Teen Ink

Hearing Eyes

January 20, 2010
By UrbanHeart1516 SILVER, Wexford, Pennsylvania
UrbanHeart1516 SILVER, Wexford, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You snatched
The sun.

You made it crash below the horizon
And you devoured its gold
With your unforgiving hours of darkness.

You took life and time out of my eyes.

Like a ghost ensnared in sheer sheets,
You murmured my name
Loud enough
For me to believe that I heard you.

I took your hand
In my dreams

And I felt your gaze
In my imagination

I desired you.

I died for you in parking lots with damp pavement
And in restaurants with dim lighting

But my angel never came.

A phantom
Replaced your supple wings
And your halo secured by God.

A hushed scream
Replaced the twinkling sound of your harp
And the distant hum of your song.

And you
Replace the fragment of my heart
[Trapped in my rib caging]
Where you hammered in your haunted walls
And where emptiness lives
Among the shriek of your transparent existence.

I’ll never see you.

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