minds | Teen Ink


January 14, 2010
By Kassandra Saliba BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
Kassandra Saliba BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

More than a one- tracked minds. Minds that are so complex that they think about more than one thing at a time. There minds track as they hunt. One part of the mind beats like a heart but not exactly. There minds works like an engine an engine that has parts that do certain things at a time. A mind on the other hand speaks like there from a different world. But also can be sweet a mind that can search yourself in seconds and know who you are. A mind this complex is a mind that only certains can have. But these minds also think of selfishness and self pity that they have a brick protection around the mind so nothing any one tells them doesn’t go threw. They take the blame for something they had nothing to do with. They are strong enough to leave a loved one, they look serious on the outside but their inside is in pain and hurt and the mind is asking why and how come. There minds get distracted easily but that person never leaves their mind. Since they have more than one- tracked mind they have the guilt till they come back

* These minds are working differently, the minds replace the heart that’s cold.*

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