POURING RAIN -the need of the hour🕊️ | Teen Ink

POURING RAIN -the need of the hour🕊️

July 6, 2024
By sarahsaysitall SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sarahsaysitall SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't chase, attract!

"Ooh, thunderstorm, I hope you bring forth pouring rain.

Pouring rain, quenching everyone's thirst.

Rain showering blessings.

Rain clearing away hatred.

Rain making our souls crystal clear.

Rain bringing kindness and peace to this ruthless world.

Rain blooming every flower.

Rain encouraging colors to shine.

Rain stripping the corrupt of their wealth.

Rain bringing smiles to every farmer's face.

And rain resulting in peace.


The author's comments:

Peace is the need for this generation!

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