The Flux of Tomorrow | Teen Ink

The Flux of Tomorrow

June 15, 2024
By aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“By 2050,” they say, “AI will rule the world.”

If algorithms learn to be more human than humans themselves, 

Then how will we keep our identities in the code?

Perhaps we shouldn’t let ourselves be lost in our creation.

To find ourselves, we can no longer rely on the wisdom of the ages:

Much of what we learn today will be irrelevant in the near future.

So, what books should we be pouring over? 

We ought to hone the skills of resilience and creativity.

Human progress brings about new parameters for social acceptance:

A gender-non-specific person undergoing age adjustment,

Waiting for an algorithm to find the perfect match for them.

Hatred will be outweighed by continued reinvention of ourselves. 

So, how do we cope?

Accepting change is inevitable since it is the only constant

In the flux of tomorrow.

Let’s embrace the adaptations and innovation,

And defy the predictions set by statistics along the way…

The author's comments:

With the rise of the use of artificial intelligence in more common environments, humanity has collectively become afraid of the overtaking of society by these machines. My poem desires to address the changes in the AI climate and the ability for us to adapt and adjust accordingly. I think that the only way for us to truly get used to the AI is if we work together with it--that way, we can make a society where AI is not only a tool for us to advance but is also not a hindrance to the evolution of us as a collective.

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