Beyond Horizon's Grasp | Teen Ink

Beyond Horizon's Grasp

June 8, 2024
By avikaa BRONZE, Iselin, New Jersey
avikaa BRONZE, Iselin, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dreaming, is there an end to dreaming?
Is it like a line, that we never know when it shall come to an end?
Dreaming, it has no limits, no end, no stop
If you yearn for something and relinquish all for it,
If that something is your dream,
Then there is no stop, no end

If you start fearing you might have glimpsed the finish,
yet still nurture the remaining hope
even the universe will wage war against the deadliest
to show you a new start.

If my dreams have no limits, why should someone else set limits for me?
If I dream of reaching the sky, why did my parents have to set a limit?
I dream of being a pilot, I wish to fly like the mythical golden-winged bird of the sky
I want to be part of the wind, I want the wind to take me high, and far

Where will the wind take me? Is there even a destination?
No, the breeze is everywhere, it blows, sometimes howls
A gust's journey has no end,
I'll gladly accept to be swept away with the breeze

Yet the ones who raised me say, not to dream of what I’m not worthy enough for
Their doubts overshadow my potential
Their lack of faith forms a barrier around me
Their doubts echo louder than the reverberating cries in the peaks of the Yukon's vast ranges every night in my ears

Their boundaries and barriers make me see a finish line just a little too soon
If the universe can fight for my dreams, why can't I fight for myself first?
Never let boundaries define the distance you shall travel in your flight
Your dreams are the only flights with no distance set

If you unfurl your wings, determined to reach the height
The flight will never crash, it will keep flying, until you nurture hope in yourself
Promise to never lose your hopes in the cloud, floating with nowhere to go, but crying tears in the form of rain
Don’t let your dreams remain unfinished tales that haunt you with throbbing regret.

The author's comments:

This poem speaks to teens facing constant comparison and pressure from their parents to fit a certain mold, for all the teens who hear comments like "You are a burden" "You're not doing enough", "Why did you not get an A", "others are doing this and that, why aren't you", "be like them", and "you're aiming for something you will never reach". It's exhausting to feel like our dreams are restricted by their expectations, especially when gender stereotypes or any other judgments because of who you are come into play. We're all doing our best, but it's tough without supportive parents to confide in. Remember, your dreams belong to you, and no one else should set limits on what you can achieve. Also never think that you aren't enough for your dreams, if you can dream of achieving it, you might as well work hard, day and night to achieve it. 

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