Summer Nights | Teen Ink

Summer Nights

May 16, 2024
By Kneigum SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kneigum SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We run outside after dinner. “Last one there is it!” Carson yells, he’s the oldest of three.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me. My younger brother Bradyn is on my heels. I get there before him which makes him it. He lays in the middle of the trampoline, closes his eyes, and waits for our chant.

“Mummy, mummy, come alive, come alive when we count to five! One, two, three, four-five! Come alive!”

He pops up like a pop-tart and with his eyes closed he tries to tag us. We try to be super quiet. A laugh sneaks out every hear and there. We duck, roll, and try to tip-toe around so he doesn’t tag us. He starts moving faster trying to listen for us. 

A creak from the trampoline slips out and he lungs at me. 

“I got you!” he exclaims, very excited not to be it anymore. 

It’s my turn to be it so I lay down and they start the chant.

“Mummy, mummy, come alive, come alive when we count to five! One, two, three, four-five! Come alive!”

There are countless balls on the trampoline from the other games we like to play. They think it’s funny to throw the balls at me, trying to get me to fall. I continue to walk around blind trying to tag them. I start to run listening for the creaks and laughs. I begin to spin in a circle with my arms stretched out.

“Whack!” I hit one of them. I open my eyes to see an angry Carson staring at me. 

“I got you.” I laugh as he glares at me. 

He’s the best at this game so Bradyn and I have to step it up so we don’t get out within the first few seconds. Carson freezes listening for any movement. We become statues, no one moving a muscle. 

Laughter squeals out of Bradyn. A ball flies at his head thrown by Carson. Carson tackles him then pulls my leg so we all fall down. We lay there, looking at the frosty blue sky. The crickets are chirping and the birds are singing their songs. We lay there debating our next game. 

We spring back up and bounce around for a while. It’s summertime so we jump until our legs feel like jello. 

Bliss moments like this are now only memories. The after-dinner play time we once had is now gone, swallowed by what every child wants most; to grow up. 

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