Pawns and Potentates | Teen Ink

Pawns and Potentates

May 1, 2024
By AndrewMichalowski SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
AndrewMichalowski SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Queen thrusts the pawn forward into battle.

A small sacrifice to make,

strengthening her position in the game of life.

The pawn, unpowerful, trivial, obeying its master.

Hurling itself into a frigid, forgetful death.

Forever forgotten, and lost in the chaos.

Two monarchs battle from above.

Safe, unscathed, out of harm’s way.

Apathetic to the pieces they move below.

An enjoyable battle,

for nothing but a family feud.

Such fun are the games of war.

The author's comments:

The Chess Game by Sofonisba Anguissola (Italy) 1555

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