The Journey With an Easy End | Teen Ink

The Journey With an Easy End

April 30, 2024
By MasonTrav GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
MasonTrav GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


“Where am I?”

I am awoken by thunder rumbling in the distance.

The grass feels dry like hay,

hard like bendy bamboo,

blowing like pollen in the air.

“Why does it hurt?”

My legs feel trapped, unable to move.

The stinging sensation numbed my movement.

If I drag myself, I can only move a few feet.

Feet: weak and powerless without their function.

“When did I get here?

The daylight darkness in the distance.

The earth around me begins to shake.

The birds fly away in a rush, attempting to escape.

The sound of a train rushing towards me.

A tall, towering, spinning cloud forms in the distance.

Just beyond the house in the field.

My eyes are blurred, but I begin to see.

A massive tornado starts sprinting towards me.

Unable to move.

Unable to think.

Unable to survive. 


The author's comments:

With inspiration from Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth (USA) 1948

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