desire | Teen Ink


April 16, 2024
By RH PLATINUM, Sammamish, Washington
RH PLATINUM, Sammamish, Washington
27 articles 11 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
in incepto finis est

they tell me to use my head for once.

“think through it first”

and they leave me quite

confused as to what i

should be thinking through.

oh yes, it’s a terrible, terrible thing,


that wrathful tangle of thorns around

sleeping beauty’s castle.

“you can’t get what i'm trying to protect”

yet i want it so much that

my heart itself is punching me forward

and now my eyes are bleeding

because they’ve been scratched by that

terrible, terrible thing.

yes, they tell me to think through it but

i can hardly even see through it,

this pinkness, this haze.

how beautiful it seems, despite

being an open wound;

perhaps desire is where the danger

both begins and ends.

oblivion, after all,

is bliss.

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