Darkness | Teen Ink


April 16, 2024
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Breath in,

Breath out.

Count to 3,



Remember who you are.

Who you used to be,

And who you are now.

You’ve grown, and now you’re older.

Supposed to be more independent, more calm, more ladylike,

Not as talkative, doesn’t let things get to you easily.

Breath in,

Breath out.

Shake out your hands,

Let your nerves loose.

I know it’s difficult,

Everyday is a struggle,

But Fight.

Don’t let the darkness in that clouds your vision.

Don’t let yourself think about things you can’t fix or do anything with.

Don’t give up.

Remember the little bits of happy moments you feel,

Not the sad and angry.

The darkness will settle soon,

You just have to fight to get there.

I know it’s a living battle inside you and nobody sees what you’re going through,

But trust me, as another person in this messed up world,

I see you,

Wherever you are, whatever battle you’re fighting,

I see you.

Don’t give up,

I know it may seem like nobody loves you,

But trust, someone out there in this world is rooting for you,

A stranger who cares about the world and tells you to Fight.

Don’t give up.

The author's comments:

For those who are fighting an everyday battle to live. 

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