Living in the dark | Teen Ink

Living in the dark

April 11, 2024
By ABCampos SILVER, Hanford, California
ABCampos SILVER, Hanford, California
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

If the stars never lit up the sky again,

I’d count to the infinities in my memories.


If the ocean became still,

I would make my own waves.


And if the sun doesn’t rise,

I will thrive in the dark.


If it was dark for eternity,

It would not change me.


On the foggiest of nights,

when not a sound can be heard, (change

I will follow my heart.


If I get to close,

I worry I am not what you hoped.


Suffocating thoughts around my brain,

Can you handle my tattered past?


I’ve lost more than I can speak of,

Some memories are best left unsaid.


So Forgive my attitude,

But the sun is missing in my life some days.


Which is why,

I smile in the absence of the light.

The author's comments:

This is really just some thoughts and even one of my fears that people won’t accept me  

But I’ve learned to just be myself instead of trying to change my personality to fit in, all I can do is smile. 

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