Caged | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By William314 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
William314 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the middle of the night

A disease creeps up and attacks me

The pain of 100 needles in my stomach

Pushed into the hospital

They check to see if I have anything dangerous on me

Pushed into a room

Then everything drifts away 

And everything went dark

Waking up in an unknown place

In a cell locked up

With discomfort in my neck and feeling drained

And being chained to the cell 

Restricted to the bed

There is no fresh air

Not much entertainment

In a boring noisy enclosure

I did a few things to help me escape

Practiced walking, slowly, before picking up speed

Eat and sleep to build up my energy

Thinking of freedom to motivate me

The chains were slowly removed

My energy slowly fills up

Walk quickly to the exit


I was released from the cage,


The author's comments:

I felt this way when i had a surgery.

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