Brightening the Adoption | Teen Ink

Brightening the Adoption

February 21, 2024
By WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed the bus.

America, look away, for I am never

fully yours—although I reek it in my tongue.

America, please, I take back what I said—

you are my one true home. I live here in peace.

America, I wonder, what say you to all those

who view themselves as fractions—motley versions

of those who deem themselves ‘Americans’ only

when questions are asked, never when thoughts

are raised. What say you about me?

China, you are foreign—you birthed me up until

the waist; then, I diverge.

China, you play with me in fragments—your people

mock my Chinese. They laugh. They ridicule.

China, I slept nicely in the cradle you made me.

America, I purred at the sight of your gallant hug.

China, I long for the chance to pay you another visit.

America, I long for the opportunity to stay.

The author's comments:

Is one's nationality the same as one's culture?

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