Fractals - Heartless | Teen Ink

Fractals - Heartless

February 21, 2024
By WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed the bus.

Buy it all—buy up everything

in the universe, and that gaping hole

in your mind still lingers and

lies prone around your brain.

I saw this hole as eternity, though

I knew I could never live up to that age.

I was consumed by guilt.

I am consumed by guilt.

I—I knew it was wrong to keep going.

I said it to myself bitterly every night.

I realize now that—

every breath that I took was a disgrace

to my cowardly mind, feeding into thoughts

and actions of terror and delusion;

every inch that I walked was an inch

to fiery regret, licking my charred face with

its volcanic tongue, its needle-like whiskers.

I failed. I failed to make myself happy,

and so I failed to show you who I really am.

The author's comments:

This poem speaks to the guilt of loving someone that was not right for you.

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