Tears | Teen Ink


February 19, 2024
By Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The wetness

Of emotion

Pouring down

In drops

Like light rain

On a cloudy day

The drops come

With loss

With pain

With sadness

Feeling trapped

With nowhere

To run.

Trapped in a cold

Room of nothingness


From the world

Who only want 

To taunt you

Sad, lonely, and trapped

With nowhere to go

The drops will come

With great joy,

Loving reunions


When you can run 

Into someone's arms

When you can hear

The sweet tunes

That life brings you

When everything works

With a balance

And with the feeling

Of love to hold you.

The drops

Pouring down my face

Will carry my life

And when the boat sinks

The weight on my shoulders

Lifts off

And everything is ok.

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