Reflection in the Sea | Teen Ink

Reflection in the Sea

February 10, 2024
By Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

A mystery I say
She'll ask me
"come and play"
I'll look and see
but never be
The light seen at day

A trance to pull me in
To spin
To the water i've been
I try to look
To the face from a book 
But not a trace
To my mind
I cannot find
So now i'm blind

A copy of me 
but too pretty
so maybe i'll see
i'll toss a coin
to join

Could I be?
Could it be glee?
So maybe i'll see?
Shall I flee?
I wish it were me.
To turn the key.
But i'll look
To the reflection in the sea

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