Unnoticed | Teen Ink


January 1, 2024
By andry GOLD, Prague, Other
andry GOLD, Prague, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving someone is never a waste

this poem is for the

unnoticed souls

lost in crowds

whose words

were always too


for the poets

hiding their art

in the deep corners

of the night

for the shy lovers

keeping their love

in love letters

for the observers

who know everyone

but nobody ever

noticed them

for the people

who were told

they are too ugly

to be loved

for the kids

that never had

any friends

and for everyone

who feels like they are


The author's comments:

I actually wrote this poem because I attended a party a saw people who did not talk or dance with anyone and that inspired me to write this piece.

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