the tattered soul | Teen Ink

the tattered soul

December 13, 2023
By LeyonaLight-16 SILVER, Cheboygan, Michigan
LeyonaLight-16 SILVER, Cheboygan, Michigan
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I could feel her negativity radiating like poison

Her heart full of black wilted roses 

Surrounded in a bed of roses a cry

A cry of a tattered soul wounded of heartbreak

A explosion from Grey to a rainbow of colors

A fire in her soul long burnt out put to test 

It was the days ahead the fire wouldn’t be out

This was when the fire was in cold environment

Struggling to survive the fire looked for wood

The fire burnt out looking for what wasn’t there

The passion which was no more a flame without

The withered rainbow drains out to darkness

Years of darkness with no sight finally ended

A heart wrapped in darkness that gained warmth 

Warm beats which the roses aren’t black or gray

The petals of the roses pink, red, blue, and white

Lots of colors like lavender, green, yellow, gold

Either way the heart was to reach a new path

May the embers burn before you as you travel 

Headed forth the heart was set to atoned distance or to a desired destination of hard ends

A new course for a rebelled and creepy path

A path of change, mends, breaks, and tight turns

Easy days hard nights an ongoing travel since light, new ways, new embers to burn and a happy new village of a new dark hays above

The author's comments:

I wrote this because of how I was feeling

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