You can still fight it! | Teen Ink

You can still fight it!

December 10, 2023
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Don't take the pills
No more then two
I know it's hard
I won't let you end up like that
Don't end up like him
Your better
Your stronger
You can fight it
I wish I was there but I'm too far away
I try and help
I can't stop you
I try hard
You put me threw it
Over and over
Can't get a brake
I'm trying to stop you
But you still take
And take
And take
The drugs weren't meant for that
They never were
I never knew how you were feeling
You make a joke out of it
But it's not funny
You could have died
I could have lost you
Your mother would kill you if she knew
I know it was a bad year
Please don't end up like him
Don't take your life
I don't want you dead

The author's comments:

About one of my friends having a hard time fighting 

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