Halloween | Teen Ink


November 17, 2023
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crisp fall air

In the October night.

Fun costumes

Showing our joy for the holiday before Christmas.

It is said that only children should dress up,

I disagree.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.

It’s in my favorite season

Where it’s only just slightly starting to get cold,

Preparing for winter.

When I’m older,

I’m going to be that adult who dresses up and goes house to house,

Yelling “Trick or Treat” when the door opens,

Like a child.

When the neighbors start putting up the Halloween decorations

I smile out my window

With a cup of hot chocolate or hot tea in hand,

Ready for the holiday season.

The author's comments:

I love Halloween :)

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