Forever My Second Home | Teen Ink

Forever My Second Home

November 16, 2023
By nataliewilson809 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
nataliewilson809 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many people search for something or someone that meet all their needs and their wants

Something that calms them

And makes them feel at peace and at ease

But never truly find it

For me, London does all those good things and so much more

When I walk out of that tube station and see London

Its like if you lived only in darkness

And are exposed tonight for the first time

It sounds like birds chirping

Happy people talking

And words like "Mind The Gap"

It looks magical and beautiful

And you never get tired of it

I love London because its large and beautiful

It smells like cars 

But also like flowers and trees

It is a busy place

But such a wonderful place

I love London and even though it is far away

It will forever be my second home. 

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