Seeking Peace | Teen Ink

Seeking Peace

November 6, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My body feels heavy. 

I’m intertwined in a ball of fear for what’s been happening to me recently. 

I can’t let it go, the result is me unprepared for this war. 

My heart shatters, and I am gasping for air above the hard surface.  

The circular space glares at me, ready to take me on.  

Bombs bursting in midair, caught in the tears of the storm.

I am Crying. 

I am Throbbing. 

I’m anchored down. 

“I’ve already lost,” I tell myself.  

The circular space smirks at me. 

The electricity spirals out of control.

Like a Hurricane.  

The railroads and wires fall apart.

They crash and they burn.

Feeling frightened, I ran. 

The circular space laughs at me. 

This war has two sides pulling. 

Like a tightrope. 

The storm is still present.  

Harsh weather awakens crashing down. 

I run faster. 

The circular space screams at me.


It feels like a game I'm trying to win.

Like a strategic game of Chess. 

I go through the maze of obstacles over and over again, hurdling them. 

Tired of losing, and tired of fighting.   

The circular space turns into a shade of yellow.   


I put my hands up in surrender and decided to breathe. 

“I don’t want to fight with you anymore, I want to be kind to you”. 

 I reach my hand up, waiting.   

A small ball of light fades into the palm of my hand. 

The circular space smiles at me. 

“Now you will let me help you get through your experience?”   

 I nod. 

“Now you are choosing to let it go”  

 “It’s more fun that way.”  

“Now you know that there will be a light to grab in the end, that there's another way.”

We both smile, rolling my ball of fear down into the depths beneath the hard surface. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about releasing my emotions and was very cathartic to write. 

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