The Light | Teen Ink

The Light

October 19, 2023
By IreneD BRONZE, Oxford, Mississippi
IreneD BRONZE, Oxford, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've worked on my weaknesses, I made them my strengths."

This isn't real.
The lights are too bright, the time is moving too slow. Am I losing my mind? No.
I was just driving home.

The lights are too bright, sirens are screaming in my ears, my feet feel far too heavy,
why do I care about my feet? After all,
This isn’t real.
I know because suddenly I can’t feel a thing.

I see a silver jeep. Smashed into a tree, wrecked beyond belief.
I try to look at who’s inside
but the lights are too bright I can’t see a thing.
I have a silver jeep.

Someone whispers my name..
I crane to see their face
as to place this person in my mind but the lights are too bright. “THIS ISN’T REAL!” I cry
and the person says
“your right.”
I stumble towards the light.

The author's comments:

I am a young writer hoping to pursue a career as an author. I am from Oxford Mississippi and due to the college and influences of many local writers including Faulkner I have been inspired many times over to write and publish my work. I now hope to build a resume of published works to be able to participate in elite writing workshops and organizations.

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