Breakout or Unknown Luck | Teen Ink

Breakout or Unknown Luck

October 18, 2023
By SSAbeG GOLD, Parsippany, New Jersey
SSAbeG GOLD, Parsippany, New Jersey
15 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Within the good people around us, they have demons within them too."

Be a free man and be willing to live out of restrictions. That’s what everyone says nowadays.

Do people really think about how much difference there is between us?

A matching pair such as the aces, shows that you get lucky even though you didn’t see it at all.

Pure luck isn’t going to get you nowhere. Pure skill isn’t going to let you move on for free.

Everything has a toll, and you have to pay that price unless you stop.

The lock has to be broken somehow but anyone cannot break this lock on their own.

There’s no hidden key nor password to figure out. Everything you do can affect yourself.

Each of us never believes how many times we tried to break it with bare hands.

Cuts and bruises reveal the skin that was never hurt. The feeling grows but your esteem falls.

Candlelight guides your way through the dark path ahead. Will you take the light or blow it out?

Fire rushes through you and water calms you down. Wind blows, meanwhile lightning strikes.

Something can leave me unbalanced. The problem can hit you but yet, you’re standing tall.

Defeat doesn’t mean you lose game after game. Victory doesn’t mean you win every time.

The concept isn’t just about surviving the hurtful times, but to be brave to confront them.

Broken pieces fall to the ground as you try to pick them up one by one. Is that enough?

Segments are fixed, but fragments break. No one can tell the difference meaning it’s judged.

Too many actions cause panic. Too much attention causes selfishness. 

If someone breaks, heal them. If someone falls, leave them and let them get back on their feet.

There’s no mean note but a lesson has to be taught to each human being, which includes you.

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