Borrowed Voice | Teen Ink

Borrowed Voice

September 28, 2023
By claireanne GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
claireanne GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"we accept the love we think we deserve" Perks of Being a Wallflower

I am quiet, like a field at dusk. Silent. Crickets. Muted.

I am loud, like birds at dawn. Noisy. Blaring. Roaring. 

Total opposites, and yet, I am both. 

At school. I keep my head down. Avoiding attention like a vampire to light.

After school, I hold my head high. Holding attention like a celebrity to paparazzi. 

This is how it has always been. 

In a classroom of 20, I watch.

On a stage infront of 200, I am the one people are watching.

Somehow, less is more for me. 

I speak with a borrowed voice.

It is not mine, but my character’s.

And although the spotlight is on me, I hide behind my own shadow like a shield.

The stage is my home, but the guests at the door are unwelcome.

I keep to myself while they watch through the window.

Quiet and loud, such a confusing thing to be.

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