I am | Teen Ink

I am

September 27, 2023
By sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the light in the sky.

I am the glisten on the snow,

but not when it rains.

I am the star closest to the moon. 

I am the morning colorful rays- when the sun rises. 

A friend. Providing my honest opinion in guidance.

I try to put them first over anything- sometimes not. 

A daughter. Providing joy- across the whole family tree.

I am the delight they need. 

I am the energy people want in their lives. 

I am not motivated to do school work;

I am not good at science and math.

I am not selfish- I am sympathetic,

Even sometimes when I shouldn’t be. 

I am not loud around people I’m not close with. 

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