Movement of My Life | Teen Ink

Movement of My Life

September 27, 2023
By 4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
33 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My pointe shoes striking the floor as I land

My hair tie flying through the air as I complete my turns

My freezing cold water bottle cooling down my throat

My breath catching as I go back out to the floor

My eyes leaving the mirror for a second as I spot my turns

My feet planting on the ground as I end my dance

My feet hitting the ground as I leave the studio

My hands turning the knob for the air to turn on in my car

My leg slamming the door shut while I haul my dance bag inside

My head leaning into the stream of water as I enter the shower

My towel wrapping around my now clean and warm skin

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