The Paths | Teen Ink

The Paths

September 27, 2023
By TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I might not be like other people,

I say that is because I don’t walk the same path as others do.

There are two set paths people walk.

one is to take the simple sidewalk

where other people walked and looked.

The other path is the in the grass, the woods, 

sometimes stepping where somebody was

But seeing the area at different times and angles.

Sorry, let me start over.

I am different than other people,

In Fact nobody is the same.

The paths we take are never the same,

The way we talk, walk, think, Never the same.

The paths we take are always changing.

Some people walk the path slower than

others admire the moment like me.

Some people walk their path careful

because they have fallen down on

their path and hurt themselves and live

in fear because of that one time they got hurt,

But I am part of the lucky few that walk with the scars

I got from falling without letting it scare me.

When I was little, I fell over the railings for the stairs,

Landed right on my head, and you know what I did?

Instead of crying, I laughed and walked

back up those stairs like nothing happened.

I walk on my path like a grain of sand in the ocean,

Always wondering where the current will take me.

The paths we take are never the same.

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