Autumn | Teen Ink


September 15, 2023
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Autumn is a season full of change. It is a season full of colors.

Fall is my favorite season. It’s the middle season, between summer and winter. It’s not too cold yet, but it’s also not too warm. It’s the perfect temperature. It’s the season where you can wear jeans and pants without being judged. It’s where you can wear your favorite sweats and sweatshirts that you’ve been waiting all summer to wear. It’s the season where color explodes, and the tress begin to become bare, preparing for winter snow. It’s the season where red, orange, and yellow leaves fall from their spots on the trees, scattering across the land. Your parents rake them up while you prepare to jump into the giant pile. It’s the time for pumpkin and cinnamon. Pumpkin spice cookies, ginger snaps, and all the fall desserts where fall flavors explode in your mouth. It’s time for thanks and Halloween, children and teens racing through the neighborhood in their silly little costumes, so full of innocence and joy. It’s a season of spooky times, pumpkins on front door steps with orange lights circling the trees. It’s a season full of dark books, late nights in the park with your lover with just the dim light of the streetlights.

This is what FALL is.

The author's comments:

Another prompt from Creative Writing class about Fall.

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