Moonlight | Teen Ink


August 15, 2023
By punctilious_platypus SILVER, Greenwich, Connecticut
punctilious_platypus SILVER, Greenwich, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I gaze out the window after dark

To ponder the pale, lonely orb in the sky

Casting beams of borrowed light upon 

The slumbering Earth.

With nothing to offer but a loyal orbit,

Our constant companion cannot help but play 

Second fiddle to the Sun

Yet it continues undeterred in its path

Striving for the Earth’s attention

Craving the satisfaction of a solar eclipse

To numb the twinge of jealousy 

Just a bit.

The author's comments:

Since everyone sleeps as the moon shines down on them, I imagined the Moon as a person who feels lonely and unappreciated because its friend Earth clings to the Sun. It resents the fact that it is unable to offer the same warmth and protection as the Sun, because the Moon cannot produce any light of its own. As a result, it longs to have the Earth’s attention all to itself, even though this is obviously not in the Earth’s best interests.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 23 2023 at 1:16 pm
AP3rsonLIkeYOu BRONZE, Vancover, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
This is a really creative way to illustrate what low self worth feels like. Love it!