Bittersweet | Teen Ink


June 21, 2023
By martinana_0805 GOLD, Nanjing, Other
martinana_0805 GOLD, Nanjing, Other
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fake it till you make it.

Do sparrows all perish in winter's grasp,
Do souls forsake conscience for riches amassed,
Can only the impoverished sing songs divine,
Do wanderers alone taste life's bitter wine.

In nature's dance, seasons may take their toll,
Yet sparrows endure, finding warmth in their soul,
For it's not the riches, but kindness that thrives,
Conscience preserved as true wealth in our lives.

From humble hearts, melodies take flight,
The impoverished child, his voice shining bright,
In melodies pure, the beauty is found,
Resonating depths, a soul's joyful sound.

Wandering souls, adrift on life's sea,
They gather wisdom from each harsh decree,
Through trials and tribulations, they learn,
The poignant essence, life's bitter return.

In this tapestry woven with sorrow and glee,
Not all sparrows fall, not all hearts set free,
For beauty emerges in unexpected places,
In sparrows, in people, in life's varied faces.

So let us not judge by mere appearances,
For sparrows and souls hold profound experiences,
In winter or wealth, in poverty or roam,
The human spirit finds solace, finds home.

The author's comments:

So join me now, as we embark on this quest, Through vivid imagery and emotions expressed. Welcome to "Bittersweet Reflections," my poetic tome, Where the depths of human existence find their home.

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