Dissatisfied | Teen Ink


June 1, 2023
By xoxosar BRONZE, Cedar Point, North Carolina
xoxosar BRONZE, Cedar Point, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments



You’re unpleasant 

and unwanted 

The words that constantly come from your mouth; 

redundant and ear-bleeding 

The way you present 

and uphold yourself 

I’m dissatisfied 

You’re unattractive 

Your “words of advice” 

They’re unsavory 

and unimportant to me 

No significance 

The way you seek attention 

Objectionable would be an understatement 

You even showing up 

is quite offensive 

Next time you think of speaking 


The author's comments:

 I created this poem in my Creative Writing class, not specifically aimed towards anybody. However, I've met a lot of people in my life that make me feel the emotions this poem depicts. Especially anger.  

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