Ghost | Teen Ink


May 21, 2023
By WaveyBee BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
WaveyBee BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always - Snape (Harry Potter)

I want to be so well rounded that I make circles look like squares - Natasha Oceane (YouTube go subscribe)

Your heartless empathy is no help to me.

I still stare in the mirror, hating everything I see.

You want to help me?

Maybe, stop advertising perfection that cannot be reached.

You are a lion, head of the jungle.

You have all this power and yet you choose to be a liar.

You choose to squeak instead of roar.

You choose to not fix problems

That you could solve with one post.

How does it feel being as useful as a ghost?

The author's comments:

Ghost is inspired by how celebrities could use their platform to positively affect millions, but they don't. Instead, they choose to contribute to a harmful system because they do not want to loose their fame. I hope Ghost will inspire  others to be proactive and to never stop fighting for a better future.

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