Beauty in Decay | Teen Ink

Beauty in Decay

May 18, 2023
By ca11eigh BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
ca11eigh BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 My nights get longer, and days get shorter 
I used to beg to stay up past my bedtime  
And now I seize every opportunity that I can to sleep 
Our parents won’t pick us up when we scrape our knee 
And we must check under our own bed for monsters 
We had built in confidence that has been slowly taken over time 
Full of innocence and dreams 
We cannot pretend to be asleep to escape our responsibilities 
Time continues to slip out my desperate grasp 
Moment slipping away and memories taking their place 
Our youth unfolds like a delicate lace 
With age comes our saving grace 
A wisdom that has no price 
There is a beauty in the gentle decay 
A reminder to savor each passing day  
Eventually the mirror reveals traces of grey  
A warning that time wont delay 
Eyes that were once hopeful and filled with glee 
Now reflect a depth only time can see 
Each passing year a chance to grow 
To nurture the soul and let it glow 
So let us not mourn the passage of time 
But celebrate our beautiful doom 
For in decay a radiance does bloom 

The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Calleigh and I have always had a passion for poetry!

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