The Woods | Teen Ink

The Woods

May 18, 2023
By rachaelweickert SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
rachaelweickert SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Giant trees towering over you

Making even the tallest human feel small,

The wind blowing through their branches,

Whispering secrets you can’t hear

But it's peaceful

The woods is a place where anyone can go,

But only a few find joy,

That is the special thing about them

Some people love them,

Others want to destroy them,

Build suburbs

Those are the people who do see what I do

The woods is a place that has been here for years

Rarely changes, 

At least the feeling one gets there never dies,

A sense of calm combined with fresh air,

And if you sit there long enough,

You’ll see the beauty

The birds will sing their songs

Flying amongst their friends

The deer will run through the trees 

Frolicking along,

Off to find their food for the day,

The rabbits and the squirrels will be out an about

Just like the people living in the city,

The animals too have their own routines

And if you sit there and just watch 

They will show you

You’ll feel the sun on your skin 

Warming you from the outside in

The slight breeze blowing your hair

You’ll get to enjoy the place nature calls home

The animals allow you into their home

They’ll show you the peace they find in it

You’ll finally be able to see 

The reason why 

Most people escape to the woods

To just forget for a moment 

And breathe

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I enjoy spending time out in nature. 

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