Im sorry, I love you, my arms are open to your ghost | Teen Ink

Im sorry, I love you, my arms are open to your ghost

May 1, 2023
By Rumor BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
Rumor BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sorry, I love you, My arms are open to your ghost

I'm sorry

Sorry I couldn't hold you

Or see your smiley laugh in person

Because you're on the other side of the world

And I'm sorry

I have no more tears in my eyes

The numb feeling took them all away

And if you don't make it

I'll have to cry them over your grave

The grave of a 13-year-old

I met when he was 11

And I'll bring you roses

Cause I know that they're a favorite

You'll be remembered in sparkles

And love 

My sparkle child

And in my arms will be

A spot for your ghost to be held 

And ill kiss the air

As a way to kiss you

Because after years

Of knowing you

And so close to meeting in person

Because life got too rough

For such a gentle soul

That I never got to say

I love you in person

It was ever only over a screen

And ill never get to hold you


Have you change your last name

Because the world took your light

And the world gave away its beauty

S. L. S.

I'm sorry

I love you

And you've made me a better person

The author's comments:

This is about my friend, sadly he has had multiple suicide attempts, and each time they got closer and closer to being successful. This is about him. I love him. 

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