Undaunted by failure | Teen Ink

Undaunted by failure

May 1, 2023
By JacksonSonnemann BRONZE, Harltand, Wisconsin
JacksonSonnemann BRONZE, Harltand, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few months after the ill-fated trip,

They launched their venture with a skip.

Despite the setback, they forged ahead,

With dreams in their hearts and fire in their head.

Jewels exist in any purity,

And so did their passion, with clarity.

They chased their goals with relentless grit,

And didn't let failure make them quit.

With every step, they learned and grew,

And every challenge they overthrew.

Their venture soared, and they reached new heights,

With perseverance as their guiding light.

So when life deals you a bitter blow,

Remember this tale of a venture's glow.

Success can come after a trip ill-fated,

If you keep going, undaunted and dedicated.

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